T-Post Latest Issue - Big Boys Don't Cry

Thursday, April 23, 2015


What is it: the world's only wearable magazine - in another word, an entire month of magazine published on a t-shirt.  A cool t-shirt on the outside, with the monthly print on the inside the t-shirt.  Comes in both male and female sizes.

Price: 33 Euro includes shipping.  The amount will be charged in Euro, thus the price may change from month to month depending on the exchange rate.  Your credit card may also change a foreign fee.

Best for: those who want something different, and a cool new t-shirt to wear every month.

When you order the subscription, you will receive a the wearable magazine subscription about a month before the release of the issue online.  Here is a short exert from the new issue "Big Boys Don't Cry":


When you’re competing, showing weakness is never an option. Growing up as an avid sports enthusiast and participant (I played a lot of sports), I was always told, by both my parents and my coaches, to leave it all out on the field/court. Be tough, and don’t give up till that whistle blows. The older me and my friends got, the tougher we became and played. But our parents and coaches never prepared us for the emotions that come with this type of aggression. These ‘games’ made me, and guys a lot tougher than me, shed a tear from time to time.

To get rest of the issue, use this link

Here is a sample of what the t-shirt looks like.

I really like this subscription because it is different and really cool to have a wearable t-shirt that is also a monthly magazine.  The only thing I do wish is that it didn't come from Europe because this made the shipping super slow - up to 20 days.  Plus I missed 2 issues out of the (3) three that i ordered. (Not sure what happened in the mail). 

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