What is it: the world's only wearable magazine - in another word, an entire month of magazine published on a t-shirt. A cool t-shirt on the outside, with the monthly print on the inside the t-shirt. Comes in both male and female sizes.
Price: 33 Euro includes shipping. The amount will be charged in Euro, thus the price may change from month to month depending on the exchange rate. Your credit card may also change a foreign fee.
Best for: those who want something different, and a cool new t-shirt to wear every month.
This is how it arrives. Like a magazine you have to open to read.
On opening the magazine, the monthly subscription is on one side and the readable wear on the other side.
The subscription that you can read either online, on print on the shirt or the pamphlet.
I think it is pretty neat how the shirt comes, nicely tucked in this "magazine"
The shirt, it comes in male and female sizes. The material feel pretty nice.
Love details like this on the sleeve - here is one of the T-Post logo. Small and discreet.
The inside of the shirt where the magazine is printed again.
When you turned the shirt inside out, you can read the monthly subscription. You can even wear the shirt inside out. I love how this shirt make me feel that every time I wear it, I have a secret that no one knows about.
More images of the shirt.
Overall, I am impressed with this shirt and the overall design. It is truly different and unique. However, the shipping time on this, due to the fact that this subscription coms from Sweden, is really long. I remember my credit card being charged, and about 2 month later, I finally received this. Even then, this publication was not available online until about a month after I received my shirt. It seems like they planned that part well.
I also think this subscription would make a great present, again, so different from any other shirts out there.
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