T-Post Making of 111 + Free Shirt

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


What is it: the world's only wearable magazine - in another word, an entire month of magazine published on a t-shirt.  A cool t-shirt on the outside, with the monthly print on the inside the t-shirt.  Comes in both male and female sizes.

Price: 33 Euro includes shipping.  The amount will be charged in Euro, thus the price may change from month to month depending on the exchange rate.  Your credit card may also change a foreign fee.

Best for: those who want something different, and a cool new t-shirt to wear every month.

This is one of the most interesting subscription I have seen so far. To see if this subscription is for you - check out my past T-Post review here

Or alternatively, if you prefer to read the subscription online (versus wearing the subscription), you can find the latest issue online here

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